Infant CPR Courses in Windsor

Infant CPR Courses in Windsor, Ontario
Infant CPR Courses in Windsor, Ontario

Located in Windsor, Ontario is a St Mark James training affiliate that specializes in infant CPR and first aid training or childcare first aid. There is a large selection of programs and schedules offered to students, as well as a number ways to sign up for them. Students continually choose Windsor First Aid over other training providers because of the quality of the training they receive. workplace approved certified teachers handle all the classes, ensuring the best training possible for the trainees.

Variety of enrolment methods

Trainees can sign up for a program through:

  • On-line enrolment form
  • E-mail
  • Telephone call
  • In person

Any calls and inquiries in person will be entertained during business hours. All e-mails and requests sent through the form will be replied to during business hours as well. Windsor First Aid is dedicated to providing students with numerous ways to enrol for their comfort and convenience.

Training fees and tuition

Total fees at Windsor First Aid are settled during enrolment or anytime before training begins (if you did not enrol in person). Most students worry about additional expenses on top of the tuition fee but they don’t have to with this provider. All expenses are totaled and settled during enrolment. The fees include the tuition, taxes, certification and registration, and training manuals.

Full refunds are also given to trainees who drop out, provided the staff was notified at least 72 hours beforehand.

Asthma is very common among children, with children often needing spaces with their inhalers.

Quality childcare training programs

The full childcare first aid program is completed in 2 days, over a 18-20 hour program. The course focuses on common injuries and illnesses in children such as cuts and scrapes, fevers, animal bites, and the like. Cardiopulmonary resuscitation for children (infants and toddlers) is also included in the program. Students are taught how to use automated external defibrillators (AEDs), machines that shock the heart through pads attached to the chest.

CPR-only classes (inclusive of AED training as well) are also available. There are three levels: A, C, and HCP. All three teach students how to perform CPR on adult victims while C and HCP teach students how to perform CPR on children and infants. HCP is targeted towards health care providers.

Private classes are also available. They are usually offered to big groups of trainees or students with scheduling problems. Likewise, instructors are also available for private classes at home or for special events like conferences and seminars.

Certification and recertification

A student is required to have complete attendance to all classes, perform first aid and CPR skills well, and get 75 percent or higher on the written exam to pass. Certificate cards from St Mark James are awarded to students upon completing all these requirements.

The certificates are only valid for three years, before which a student has to take a recertification class to revalidate his or her card. Standard first aid and CPR recertification is held at least twice a week at Windsor First Aid and is approximately 8 hours long.

Did You Know?

Types of bladder cancer

  1. Transitional cell carcinoma – This type of cancer starts in the cells of the inner lining of the bladder. These cells expand and contract depending on the volume of urine in the bladder, similar to the cells in the urethra and uterus.
  2. Squamous cell carcinoma – Squamous cells are not typically found in the bladder, only appearing in response to injury or trauma from infection and irritation. Repeated damage to the cells cause them to change in type and become cancerous.
  3. Adenocarcinoma – This type of cancer starts in the mucus-secreting glands of the bladder. This is a very rare kind of bladder cancer.

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