The Right Helmet Can Save Your Life

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A lot people enjoy riding motorcycles and bikes. Indeed, these two-wheeled vehicles are a fun and exciting way to travel and explore, giving you a 360-degree view of the roads. But, they are also the most common cause of serious road accidents. You can suffer severe injury, or even death, if you do not protect yourself. Wearing protective gears, particularly helmet, is one simple but very effective way of preventing serious injuries with bike or motorcycles.

What you need to know

Around 60 percent of bike-related deaths are due to head injuries. Moreover, majority of these bike injuries and fatalities occur among the youth and children. On the average, around 700 people die each year in North helmetAmerica due to motorcycle accidents and about 90 percent of these cases involved people who were not wearing a helmet.

Wearing appropriate helmet can significantly reduce the risk of serious head injury and can even save your life. Helmets are specially designed so that they absorb the impact in case of collision or fall, instead of directly bumping your head. Countless lives have been saved because of use of motorcycle helmets. Compared with car passengers, motorcyclists are said to be 21 times more likely to die in the event of a road crash.

Choosing the right helmet

In choosing a helmet, you need to make sure that the helmet passed the safety standards or the CSA CAN3-D230-M85 standards. It should have a seal of approval. Your helmet should also fit your head snugly, like a baseball cap, but not too tight that it makes your head feel sore. Although there are laws that specify the minimum safety standards for bike helmets, there are some imported helmets that have not passed the standards. These helmets are not safe to use.

When you buy in a reputable helmet or motorcycle accessories shop, the company would normally measure your head circumference and help you in choosing the right size.

Remember, wearing a helmet is not enough! You should wear the right helmet to get optimum protection. A snugly fit helmet should not be able to move more than one inch in any direction, side to side or front to back. For people with long hair, helmets with ponytail port are highly recommended. If the helmet obstructs your peripheral vision, even very little, choose a new one.

Make sure that helmet is flat on top of your head and does not tilt in any direction. The straps should be snugly fit and forms a V over your ears.

Wear Your Helmet Properly

You should wear your helmet properly every time you ride your bike or motorcycle. Keep it flat on top of your head by tightening the chinstrap. If it tilts in any direction, replace it with a snugly fit helmet.

Children should be advised to remove their bike helmets before playing or running around. The strap poses a risk for choking when not used properly. If you have been in an accident, replace your helmet with a new one. Helmets that have been subjected to impact may have sustained damage, making it unable to protect you in case of another accident.

Learn More About Safety and Childcare

To learn more safety tips about managing first aid and CPR emergencies with infants, children and adults enrol in workplace approved first aid programs. Find a provider near you by visiting our locations page.

Related Video to Helmet Safety


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