The best infant CPR and first aid training in Toronto, Ontario can be found at Toronto First Aid, a workplace approved training facility. Offering quality training programs for very affordable training fees, this provider is the best you can find in the Toronto area. Trainees can choose from a varied selection of programs and special classes on first aid and CPR topics, primarily focused on adult and infant (pediatric) victims. Scheduling is very easy with Toronto First Aid as most classes are available throughout the week, even evenings and weekends. Visit the website for more details on the programs.
Signing up for training
At Toronto First Aid, prospective students can sign up for the program they want through an on-line enrolment form, telephone call, e-mail, or in person during business hours. Any of these methods can be used for initial enrolment but payment of the fees will have to be completed in person before the start of training. Expect to be entertained by the Toronto First Aid staff during regular business hours. Any replies to e-mails and forms sent through the internet will be made during that time.
Training fees
Aside from offering very cheap fees for training, Toronto First Aid also allows students to pay all fees during enrolment or anytime before the beginning of classes. Other providers ask students to pay after completion of the program, often adding additional expenses to the initial agreed upon amount during enrolment. Students don’t have to worry about that with this provider. All fees are settled before the start of the training, inclusive of tuition fees, taxes, certificates, workplace approved registration fees, and training manuals.
Students don’t have to worry about refunds and reimbursements because students who do not complete the program receive them. Just remember to inform the Toronto First Aid staff at least 72 hours before dropping out to be eligible for the complete reimbursement.
First aid and cardiopulmonary resuscitation training
CPR training has three levels, each corresponding to a victim age group and either CPR, first aid, or both. Students can also opt for either CPR or first aid-only classes known as “stand-alone” programs. First aid classes are focused on knowledge-building and skill training. Students are expected to have perfect first aid skills such as bandaging and wound care among others. Variations of the choking rescues for children (infants, toddlers, and school-age children) is also taught to trainees.
There are three kinds of CPR training that a student can take: A, C, and HCP. All three teach students CPR and automated external defibrillation (AED) for adult victims. C and HCP teach students both adult and pediatric CPR and AED. Infant CPR programs are 16-20 hours long, focusing on basic injuries and illnesses in children.
St Mark James certification
A student is required to pass the written exam with at least 75 percent, perform first aid and CPR skills well, and have complete attendance. After completing the class, certificate cards from the workplace approved are awarded to the students. They are valid for three years. Before the certificate expires, the student is required to take a refresher program offered at least twice a week, 8-9 hours long.
Did You Know?
Bladder Cancer
The bladder is an organ found in the pelvic area of the body (below the abdomen) that stores urine. Urine is the waste product of the kidneys, organs that filter our blood. The bladder is made up of elastic tissue that expands and contracts, depending on the volume of urine it’s storing. When these cells are damaged, they can undergo cancerous changes. The cells can multiply and form a tumor or can metastasize into other areas of the body.